Paperless billing
One of the problems with traveling a lot or moving overseas is what to do with all of the account statements you are now receiving by mail. What is nice these days is that most banks, mortgage companies, utility companies, and investment firms are now offering to send your billing and account statements paperless via email. An added bonus is that this is also good for the environment. These statements can then be saved on your computer file system or online, and printed from your computer if necessary (more on online storage to come in future posts).
Also, our local bank offers online bill pay so we are eliminating sending payments using paper checks.
To use the paperless feature simply go to the website where you account is held and type in paperless in the search bar. If the company offers paperless billing you usually just have to simply sign up. Over the past months we have been gradually going to this paperless method which ties into our goal of a more mobile digital lifestyle. We have a list of all the vendors who we receive bills from and have started changing over from paper to paperless billing. So far we are receiving paperless electronic billing from our:
- Bank
- Mortgage company
- Credit Card company
- Investment firms
- Cable company
- Phone – Home and cellphone
- Utility companies
- Tax preparer
Hopefully in the next six months we will be completely paperless in receiving bills and statements along with completely digital in our making payments of bills.
- Panasonic HDC-HS250 Video Camera
- Email accounts